Webcast: Photonics technologies for supporting the future multi Tb/s metro network
Webcast supported by
The H2020 research project PASSION adopts a disruptive approach to develop innovative photonic devices as well an optical fibre network infrastructure for the future metropolitan area network (MAN) supporting different aggregated data traffic volumes and operating at heterogenous granularities.
The webinar will show the design, the realisation and the performance of an innovative vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) -based modular sliceable bandwidth/bitrate variable transceiver (S-BVT) in realistic MANs organised by hierarchical levels with the crossing of multiple nodes characterised by new switching/aggregation technologies. The capabilities and challenges of the proposed cost-effective, energy-efficient and reduced footprint technological solutions will be presented to face the request of huge throughput and traffic scalability both at the system and network level.